Thrive+ is an after-alcohol aid created by Brooks Powell. Thrive+ was featured on Season 9 Episode 24 of Shark Tank. Powell sought $400k for a 10% stake in his company, but was unable to make a deal.
About the Product
Thrive+ is an after-alcohol aid intended for use anytime you consume alcohol. It contains Dihydromyricetin, a substance found frequently in Chinese herbal medications, but which has only recently been scientifically shown to be effective as an alcohol recovery aid. Thrive+ is a patented compound which combines Dihydromyricetin with a proprietary substance which makes it more bioavailable, meaning that Thrive+ is a stronger alcohol aid than Dihydromyricetin alone.
On Shark Tank
Thrive+ had a poor reception on Shark Tank. Mark Cuban was convinced before the pitch began that Thrive+ had to be exaggerating its claims, and rarely gave Powell a fair chance at developing his pitch. Because of Powell’s difficulty taking control of the pitch, he was unable to get into Thrive+’s financial figures or comparison with the competition in any detail, and so all the other Sharks quickly went out in sequence.
After Shark Tank
Despite the inability to make a deal, the appearance on Shark Tank was a big boost for Thrive+. More than 10,000 visitors went to the website within 10 minutes of the show ending.1 In March, Thrive+ generated $1.1 million in sales, and hopes to hit $25 million in total revenue across all years by the end of 2018.2